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Closed Mouths Don’t Get Fed

In life one of the most important things we can do for ourselves is learn how to speak up, but in ways that people can hear us. Ultimately from a place of love for ourselves and others.

What I’ve found in my work over the years as a therapist, life/business/leadership coach, and organizational strategist, is that many of us are afraid to speak on our own behalf, not to mention on the behalf of others.

Our throat chakra, as I have said in the past, is our #1 manifestation flex. In other words, if we ask not, we get not, but if we ask, we are sure to receive.

There are countless ways many of us have been silenced over the years.

We were told to stay in a child’s place. To be seen and not heard. To grit and bear it when we were sad, angry, or in opposition to what the people around us believed we should do or be. And unfortunately we have believed these lies.

Healing our throat chakra is absolutely essential because it is the only way to get your desires and needs met consistently since people are the #1 way Source/God/Universe/Creator uses to support us.

So ultimately if we’re not speaking up we’re missing out on all kinds of beautiful gifts for ourselves and others. Not to mention missing out on sharing our light with the world to do our unique part to make it a better place.

In order to set boundaries for yourself, you have to tell someone when they have crossed a boundary.

If we know someone can support us on our journey, we have to ask for them to help us.

In order to influence others, inspire them, we have to exert our voice in spaces and places.

And the key is to make sure your throat Chakra is not under active (silence) or overactive (excessive talking). The goal is to create balance.

We do this by first working to heal that part of ourselves using practices like Reiki and tapping (both of which we can offer at Be Well Beautiful People). Then we commit with intention (action) to using our voice in a divine way and at divine times. Because timing matters as discussed in The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

So commit to doing what’s necessary so you can use your voice in the most abundant ways. This is where your flow lies, beautiful people, so let’s get it!

And if you would like to explore how I can personally support you in helping you use your voice, feel free to schedule a consultation here anytime.


Demarra West



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