Fear is a funny and powerful thing. It will prevent you from doing things that deep down you really want to do. Not to mention stop you from growing.
Although fear can serve as a protector, for example causing our hairs to stand up when we’re in the midst of someone who desires to do us harm, it can also cripple us and keep us stuck. Ultimately depriving us from being, and becoming, the person we truly are, the person we want to be.
When I first found out about the opportunity to walk with lions during my trip to Victoria Falls, I was initially opposed to it. The thought of walking with lions petrified me. But instead of believing that was truly my no, I got curious instead, which led me to do research on the excursion.
Once I did that I knew for sure I really, really wanted to go.
The truth is the fear never truly subsided but I knew, as I say often, that I was divinely protected. That kept me grounded, but of course cautious when I found myself surrounded by three lions in the Sahara.
And y’all let me tell you it was well worth it - hands down. This once in a lifetime experience in Victoria Falls may not have ever presented itself again since none of us know when it will be time for our own transition.
That said, don’t allow fear to interfere with the great adventures you seek. You deserve to live firmly in your divinity experiencing all your heart truly desires.
Now bungee jumping on the other hand I’m still working on. But instead of saying no to this in its entirety I’m pondering if it’s something I really want to do first, and then if I do, I hope to also find the courage to experience that one day as well.
So go on and conquer your fears. You’ll be so glad you did and of course will walk away altogether different as a result because well, new experiences have the power to expand us.
Cheers to conquering our fears,
Demarra West