Journaling is something that has been a core part of my wellness practices for as long as I can remember.
But when I started to do my deep healing work more than five years ago, I amplified the amount of time I spent journaling
There was something about getting my thoughts on paper that was deeply therapeutic.
Journaling sometimes included gratitude or desires. But at times, thoughts and feelings would come up that I simply wasn't ready to divulge to someone else - and some of which simply weren't for others' consumption, but my own.
One of the things that I have told people for years is that even when you choose not to tell your deepest darkest truths to the world, we can reveal these truths to ourselves to create a pathway to freedom.
Journaling is a great vehicle to get those truths out.
It's amazing what happens to our bodies, minds, and spirits when we deny the most painful experiences we've had which usually results in holding onto secrets.
Secrets breed shame.
And shame breeds an unfilled life.
When we hold on to "secrets" we literally are harming ourselves. In fact, research suggests keeping secrets can significantly boost stress hormones, impact blood pressure, inhibit sleep, contribute to mental health and substance use disorders and even increase chronic pain.
This is why I'm so excited the next episode on the Trauma & Healing podcast series is about the power of journaling with the amazing Christina Rice from OMNoire!
We will be talking about journaling's healing power and how to use it as a vehicle to manifest what you want with gusto!
So get ready, because this is an episode you won't want to miss!
Listen now here!
And when you're done, listen to the other seven episodes we've already released based on my book, Me Too: A Therapist's Journey to Heal, Find Liberation, & Joy, which is on all major listening platforms.
Speaking of journaling, beautiful people, we have something extra special in store!!!!! The Ink Your Pain writers retreat will be taking place on September 21 in Detroit, Michigan. If you're ready to get your truths out so you can amplify your voice, and therefore get more of what you in life, you will not want to miss this.
Explore all the details here.
I'm always down to talk to you about all things healing and liberation to provide tailored support on your journey. Schedule a complimentary consultation here anytime!
Cheers to freedom,
Demarra West